Minecraft Coding Camp

Camp Timings

July 25-July 29

2 hours/day (Time TBD)

Age Group

Students in 5th-8th grade

Use your student’s love for Minecraft to teach them more about programming in this fun Minecraft Coding Camp! Students will learn how to code anything from exciting puzzles, creative games, and complex buildings in the game. Students will explore the in-game coding interface as well as learn about block-based code, Java, and Python in Minecraft’s Online Code Builder. They will also explore engineering concepts through Redstone, one of the most complex concepts in Minecraft.

Class fee for two weeks is $80. Early bird discount: $60. Materials needed: computer/laptop. No prior programming experience required.

Creative Mode

If you can dream it, you can do it. Unleash your creativity and construct anything you desire using an infinite amount of resources. Explore your inner architect or interior designer throughout the course of this class.

Master Programmer

Learn to code using the Minecraft Online Code Builder. Students will be able to design puzzles, games, and stories.

Redstone Engineering

Students will also have the opportunity to work with Redstone. Redstone is one of the most complex concepts in Minecraft. Redstone dust acts as a wire and can be attached to levers and doors and crafted into repeaters and torches to build machines. This will help introduce students to important engineering concepts.

Your Instructors

Kavya Khare is attending UC Davis for Electrical Engineering and Natasha Parker is attending Carnegie Mellon for Computer Science. Kavya and Natasha are passionate about engineering. They have studied electronic design, computer aided design, and Arduino language and electronics. They find so much joy teaching students engineering and have led their school’s Makers Club in the past.