Camp Timings

July 11-22

9-11 A.M. (PST)

Age Group

Students in 5th-8th grade

Take your game design skills to the next level and join this two-week camp that will teach you how to create your very own advanced 3D adventure game using the free game development software BuildBox. Learn how to design a 3D game with coins, health, enemies, and mystery boxes. Students will learn how to utilize pre-made assets and model their own environment from scratch. They will be familiarized with BuildBox’s intuitive drag-and-drop coding interface. Students will have the opportunity to unleash their creativity and build lasting skills in artistic game design and game logic.

Class fee for two weeks is $160. Early Bird Discount: $120 Materials needed: computer/laptop.

No coding experience required! Completion of the Game Design Camp is highly recommended before enrolling in Advanced Game Design Camp.

Model in 3D

In this course, students have access to a diverse library with 3D models to utilize in your own game. Students will learn how to utilize pre-made assets and model their own environment from scratch. 

Drag and Drop Coding

Make your game come to life with BuildBox’s intuitive coding interface. Students will be familiarized with the drag and drop code program.

Unleash Your Creativity

Take your game design skills to the next level and design and model your own 3D world with coins, health, enemies, and mystery boxes!

Your Instructors

Kavya Khare (left) will be attending UC Davis for Electrical Kavya Khare is attending UC Davis for Electrical Engineering and Natasha Parker is attending Carnegie Mellon for Computer Science. Kavya and Natasha are passionate about engineering. They have studied electronic design, computer aided design, and Arduino language and electronics. They find so much joy teaching students engineering and have led their school’s Makers Club in the past.

Students will be able to learn how to develop a game like this!