Our Team

Kavya Khare


Kavya is pursuing her Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering at University of California, Davis. Outside of her school-work, she loves to work on DIY projects and shares her joy of making with other students, while fostering an inclusive, judgement-free environment. At her college, she is President of C.O.F.F.E.E. (Club of Future Female Electrical Engineers) and a Peer-Advisor to Electrical & Computer Engineering undergraduate students. In the past, she has led her High School’s Makers Club and loves to attend Makers Faires.

Natasha Parker


Natasha Parker is studying Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. She is deeply interested in her coursework, TAs for her classes, and is involved in research groups. In the past, she has led her High School’s Makers Club.

Aryan Mondkar

Robot Engineer

Aryan is pursuing his Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering at UC Davis. He has a passion for all things robotics. His journey started with a lot of mechanical design and manufacturing experience, with my love for CAD, but recently, he has made the transition over to software through personal projects and working research labs. His goal for the future is to solve tough software problems related to robotics and ML.

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